10 Righteous Deeds EVERYONE should do. | ||||||||||||
1. Worship A Deity: Having faith in something higher makes your life worth living. Different religions have different gods/goddesses and can still get you to Life II, and if you just happen to worship God/Allah/Jehovah it seems even faster. 2. Hug/compliment someone/feel their cranial hairs: If there was more friendship in this world, there would be more peace. Feel the texture of a man's beard. 3. Seek alternatives to information that you have to pay for: Protracker MOD music is free and safe to download, there is an increasing amount of software out there that is open-source. You don't absolutely need cable TV. And don't bother with games that you have to pay a monthly fee to use. Those dollars will be used as the greedy company's toilet paper, and could be better used to donate to the poor/save the children/fight tyranny by the majority. Some things, like software and human organs, shouldn't be paid for. 4. Breeding-consider having one or none, and be sure to stop at two: You don't have to give up sex, though that would be a plus. There's always another person having 17 children in one go. You can achieve a lifetime of 100% recycling and 40+ years of driving just by not breeding. And you prevent the kid you don't have from having the torment of school. Remember that Satan--the devil himself-- is the only thing in the universe container that I can imagine after careful thought of that deserves school. 5. Evade the draft and don't serve in the military: If EVERY SINGLE Homo Sapien on Planet Earth followed this directive, then war as we know it would cease to exist. It's amazing how many people flatly refuse to realize this, even though it's so blatantly simple. What if there were a war, and nobody came? 6. Tell someone how you really feel about the way they treat you: Not even God Himself can stop the law that Honesty is the Best Policy, simply because God is honest. And you can be honest too. If a girl has a solid-waste-evacuation-port mark on her face and asks you if she looks beautiful, tell her you like it IF and ONLY IF you like that sort of thing. Telling lies only hurts your credibility. But don't go out of the way to hurt people. Tact is a tool of the Devil so that evil things can be allowed to take place. 7. Convince someone not to have an abortion: Give the kid a chance. He/she didn't have a say in whether they live or die. 8. Don't let cults/sects sway you to a belief that you feel deep down inside isn't right: God doesn't want you to let your children die when they get sick. Feel free to eat meat/pork. You don't have to donate 10% of your income to the church. Mutilating yourself never achieved anything except giving you a pain. Burning crosses/pentagrams are not "cool graphics". 9. Don't be like everyone else: You don't have to wear the same clothes as everyone else, have lots of children like everyone else, have a car like everyone else, have a job like everyone else, name your kid Junior like everyone else, blow money on Warcraft like everybody else. 10. Pass flatus gas: It feels good. There is nothing wrong with letting it out, though the software bug in society says otherwise. Any punishment handed out to you for it is totally uncalled for. |
Electronic Devices I wish existed, but a hostile regime commonly known as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act prevents it. | ||||||||||||
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