Things you don't need this 2006 holiday season.
(theft by any other name)
1. A PS3/Wii/Xbox360-These systems don't have homebrew (the 360 mabye) as of Dec 22, 2006 which means you aren't in control of the software you run on it. At least a PC can still run different programs (mabye not, check #2).

Windows Vista-Be prepared to pay multiple times (if you scratch your disc) for the software so Bill Gates can clean up an extra 2 times after using the toilet. They are seriously considering taking away homebrew for PCs. Trusted Computing means that if Microsoft sees any program on your hard drive that threatens their bottom line, they can prevent it from launching (gee, kind of like a game console). Big brother is watching.

A cellular phone-Wow, dropped calls and phones whose screen cracks when you dial are only $50 a month! And it's only another $300 (termination fee) for a new fragile phone with the same crappy service!

4. Cable TV/feevee-You can get a nice electrical waveform which is a large binary number that shows commercials piped to your home for only $39 a month! What a deal!

Microsoft Zune-Enjoy the thrill of indian-giving songs to friends you know and love. Since when is it legal to pirate a song if you "only keep it for 3 days"?

Ipod Video-Actually this should be called the Ipod Blackburst*. My friend had to return his because you get a nice black screen with sound when you put videos on it, and I'm a computer nerd too.

World Of Warcraft-If Guild Wars can let you play online for free, that is pure scientific proof that the service costs them zero point zero cents a month to run. Warcraft charges for it, so it's just as if they cracked your pin and mag-stripe and drained your account.

The (so-called) gift of AOL-$30 a month for 53k dialup that's more like 33k because of all the cute'n-cuddly graphics. You aren't even permitted to launch any EXEs on your PC during the first 5 minutes of connection (i'm thinking this is to deter you from launching Firefox). And you can FORGET about running Linux if your computer's modem was made in the last 7 years!

Amazon Unbox-Yeah, you probably know this one already, it has the one of the most restrictive EULAs imaginable. Avoid it like it's Ebola.

10. Any
rap song/demon-rock song for pay to download-This is just my opinion. Get some MOD music instead.

* Blackburst is a video production term meaning a color video signal that displays a totally black screen. It contains the sync and colorburst signals, but no video data.
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