How to be more lucky in your life | ||||||||||
There are 2 sources of randomness in the game of life: Force Majeure and User Input. Let's look at Force Majeure first. These are the events and things that are beyond your control. No improvement can be made here, so there is no point in blaming the user for bad luck in this regard. Quite a few of these things are nationally protected, like your skin/hair/eye color, your minimum weight, the country you were born from, the quality of your body, wealth of parents, being born in California (obviously atrociously bad luck that WASN'T your fault), having cult events happen to you before you developed a conscience, etc. And now User Input. These are things and actions that can be controlled by yourself with effort. Let's take a look at video game consoles to see where luck comes from in its tiny realm. Video Game Consoles are actually computers. Computers are just calculators. Calculators crunch numbers, and no matter how many times the calculations are repeated, they always return the same output. There is no randomness there. It is purely deterministic and depends on the user's button presses to make it seem random. The first block you get on Tetris depends on when and which buttons you pressed when you went to start the game. (on newer game consoles, the time of day you started the game is also a factor) Extending this to real life, it becomes possible to improve your luck by giving the game of life different input. You can have (almost) perfect luck, but only if you absolutely want to! 1. By far, the easiest (and most blatantly obvious) way to have better luck is to obey safety rules. You can go all your childhood without being abducted this way, almost like a level-select code. Your house is less likely to burn down, and if it does, you'll escape alive. You can drive a car for many years without running into something, and you can keep the dealer shine with no dings if you don't drive it. Your computer will almost never get a virus. And you will never have to worry about custody battles/divorce proceedings/unwanted pregnancy/STDs/restraining orders if you don't get married or have sex. You'll never waste money on cigarettes if you never wanted to smoke in the first place. 2. Other things are only apparent if you listen to your gut feelings. You probably avoided a nasty cold when you said "Ugh" as you passed up that gas-station bathroom with sewage splattered all over the walls, AND YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE YOU DID IT! That man you almost went out with but it just didn't "click" was probably a devout serial-killer, and because of the choices you made you are still alive to this day. That creep you sprayed in the eyes with Binaca lost his chance to rape you (this applies to guys too!). 3. And the least apparent (but the most important) of luck that you can control is...finding any religion that works for YOU. Even from an atheist scientific standpoint, people who believe in any god tend to work the areas of their brain that makes good decisions, and attribute it to their being religious. For me, I found Allah/Jehovah/God Of Abraham and I actually get nonaudible cues for actions from Him. For others, someone else might work better...which leads us to luck manipulation for a WHOLE COUNTRY--you can go without wars if you let each person pick their own religion. |
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