More about my religion.
If something is hard to do, it will take a long time, if something is impossible to do, it will take longer.
But only for good things.
There is something definitely wrong with the current realm. But you can think outside of Lucifer's Box. By this, why was Satan created? It was God's ONE and ONLY mistake. If I was going to build a closed system, why not make it the best it can be? The answer: It was a test of faith. Faith that God will get things right the second time around and brings a paradise (Life II). But you need give your best effort and believe that there is The God Of Abraham, Allah, and Jehova, (all 3 are the real one) and that he wants you to do good. Today it seems impossible that there could be a world without problems. But, if something is hard to do, it will take a long time, if something is impossible to do, it will take longer. It's hard to not have sex, it's even harder to destroy Satan. But they both can be done. Good will always defeat evil. It may just take longer than a Heathen's attention span. Many people will give up on God. But people who are faithful and give righteous deeds their best effort will live to see a better life.PEOPLE THINK I'M A NUT, but the list below is a prophecy I see coming soon/
How the world will (slowly) end:
Sodomy will be encouraged.
Atheisim is already state-sponsored.
Do-gooders will take over the Supreme Court and take away our rights.
What one generation considers rights, the next will consider priveledges. What one generation consider priveledges, the next will outlaw and ban those priveledges.
Women have to take off their veils in order to drive.
Abortion is legal.
School is legal.
Guns will become illegal, to prevent an uprising against tyrannical government.
Flag burning will become illegal, if it hasn't already.
Americans will become more paranoid as time goes on.
Pagans (that includes so-called Christians who are against abstinence!), Satanists, and Atheists will have lots of children, so that they can take over the world with their evil ways.
You will not be allowed to smoke even empty rolling papers within 100 million miles of the Sun.
The Copyright Term will be extended and things that were once public domain will be copyrighted again.
Scientoligists will use Copyrights to attempt to silence the truth.(whoops! They already did!)
Americans will continue to fight a war whose only benefit is to raise the price of gasoline.
Speaking of gasoline, pollution will only get worse (until Life II)
Workplaces will increasingly cause men to shave their beards even if they don't want to.
Freedom of religion will become a thing of the past, and people will be less brave to continue to follow God.
The sale of Epson Cartridge Chip resetters will be deemed illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
As less and less people vote, there will be a second coming of the Circuit City Divx Disc, and it will succeed.
People who are born after 1982 are required to perform community service, or not graduate from high school.
Collateral damage in the American War on Islam will skyrocket.
Social Security will run out.
More people will worship the Fifty Pentagrams and Thirteen Witches' Stripes than God as time goes on.
After the most recent Harry Potter book being light on Wicca, J.K. Rowling will turn up the witchcraft once people become complacent to the damage done against children.
More software companies will charge exhorbitant prices for collections of bits that you can only use on one computer.
The quality of music will decrease to a Gothic, Luciferan-gang related talk show that averages 4 minutes long, and unique part of the beat will be only 1/2 of a second, looped over and over. Or they will take a melody from a song that was once good and defile it..
There will only be reality TV where people eat worms, paint their face with goat blood, and talk to the dead.
Movie theaters will have ads superimposed during the feature presentation, along with Pro-Copyright propaganda.
File Sharing will be sued out of existence.
Marriage will be like a toggle switch and last shorter than the lifespan of the common incandescent light bulb.
Windows Vista will be shoved down our throats and has the chance to significantly curtail our free use of our PCs, as most of Americans are sheep and will plunk the $400 down for it without thinking twice.
MP3 players will only play files that you paid for, and won't let you transfer your MOD music or vinyl to it.
But There's Good News!
It gets worse before it gets better.God has a plan. If you so much as believe in Him, you will get to heaven sooner after a non-suicide death. DON'T KILL YOURSELF! If you do, you'll have to start over and GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN which is punishment for taking your own life, and the quality of life will be worse. If you do good works and believe in Him, you will get to heaven even sooner than that. Humans only have a finite amount of sin in them. It is not logical that someone goes to Hades for eternity for something they only did over the course of 80 years or so. If something is hard to do, it will take time and suffering, if something is impossible to do, it will take longer time and suffering in Hades until you learn your lesson.

I go onto AOL and practically everybody I meet is proud to believe in no god. To find a God-fearing AOL user is like finding a red sock in a drawer full of black socks. You can do it! You can believe! Ask for God give you a miracle to prove you his existence, and he will HAND it to you! He did it for me!
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