Questions about my religion Page 2 11.What's this fascination with Pagans, anyway??:Not only they keep the feel of the middle ages alive, I can relate to how they were persecuted back in the middle ages. In the middle ages, low-quality Christians burned and tortured witches. Now in these days, Atheists are throwing their legal weight around to persecute Christians. I know to a much lesser extent how it feels to be the black sheep. In a feudal system you lose your life. In a democracy you lose your soul.

12.So you'd dance naked in the forest with them, given the chance?:If it was legal, I'd give it a whirl. So long as there's no sexual contact and no one gets hurt, I don't see what's wrong with it. I may even meet a pretty crafty Nature girl, similar to the fantasy character Tira from Soulcalibur III.

13.So you worship trees!:No, I just want to have a good time. Many people have lost that. Today's churches are dead and boring, I prefer the happy Pentecostal church where there is singing and music.

14.When is the supposed end of the world?:Supposedly it's around 2013 give or take a year. A more realistic estimate is after your death. Jesus appears to you once you die.

15.Should I drink the kool-aid if you do it?:No way, man, if Michael Jackson in a pope costume said you had to cut your private parts, why should you do it? If your minister jumped off an antenna with no bungee cord, air bag, or parachute, would you do it? Of course not.

16. What are your dietary laws?:I do not eat crustaceans or invertebrates because they taste nasty. I choose what I eat based on what's practical and what does not make me gag. Heck the Aztecs ate humans and I have a feeling God didn't mind.

17.What is the universe container?:The universe container is the container that holds all the universes, including 2 and 1 dimensional ones. I'm still deciding on whether there's a seperate universe for each religion or if everyone goes to the center where there's Heaven.

18.Uber-heaven? What's that?:Uber heaven is where the 144,000 of God's workers go.

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