Some questions people ask me about religion. | ||||||||
1. How can you believe in something which you can't see, touch, smell, hear, or taste?: Look to natural phenomena. You don't notice radio waves or electricity, but you can see the effects of it. I notice the effects of God. 2.Why do you think there something after death?:To me, I've always been alive, I cannot remember the time when I was a baby, and I've lost all faith in ever dying completely. It's beyond my comprehension to have no afterlife. If that makes me a sucker idiot than too bad. 3. Who created God?:God has always been around. He existed outside of time, and when he created the universe with low entropy, there was time. 4. Isn't there One True Church that will get you to heaven?:Not really. If that were so, then all the other churches would be wrong. The wonderful thing about standards is that there's so many to choose from. 5. Doesn't God want us to have child after child and not use birth control?:Logic tells us that a preacher wants to be able to preach to a larger number of people. So it is to their advantage to get a member who's already in their church to breed like a teenage rabbit that mounts everything they see, so they'd have a larger flock. Be fruitful and multiply was written in a time where there wasn't many humans, and the infant mortality rate was high. It is kind of like a manual to format a 1.44 megabyte floppy disk to 1.68 MB. 6. What about killing? Doesn't the bible say Thou Shalt Not Kill, even though it says they utterly destroyed the infidels?:Never is there a time where it is acceptable to kill another himan being, but in the Bible, you'll find many instances of slaying people, including the children, women, and animals My God is not like that, he wouldn't want to see people suffer, even if they made a small mistake. 7. So some of the Bible was tainted by human stories?:Religion is like a weapon. You cannot learn safe handling from a book or a video, but from personal experience and training. If I went out and bought an AK-47 and then watched videos from Iraq about shooting, then I went out deer hunting, I'd probably end up shooting myself in the foot..or worse. So yes, the Bible probably was bended to peoples agendas on who they hate, like worshippers of Baal. 8. Isn't the flood/Moses parting the red sea/healing a leper, just a bedtime story and it didn't happen for real?:In the olden days, the laws of physics were subject to change. The further you go back in time, the more likely that something strange can happen. Witches had real magic, Christians had Christian powers, Muslim carpets could fly. It's just that no one had a camera/tape recorder/VCR to capture these events, and they seem strange by modern standards, so people assume they didn't happen. This very day, there's an occasional bearded lady. Mabye once our acquisition technologies get better, and provided the world doesn't end, well think that a bearded lady is a mythological creature. I have very little faith in hermaphrodites being real. Perhaps the next generation will have even less faith. 9. If you're not with church X, then you rot in 7734 forever??:That's definitely not true. Even if you gave up on God, God never gives up on you. If God can create someone who makes a mistake, God can get you to learn your mistake. Eventually all people go to heaven once they learn the global optimum. That includes the hateful atheists too. 10. What's this global optimum you're talking about?:The global optimum is acts that are generally good and beneficial to your species. This includes altruism, peace, forgiveness, and faith in something higher, among others. |
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