Limitations of modern witches as compared to faerytale era sorcery. This page contains extrapolated specs about why a Christian man who is into the fantasy era would never become a faerytale sorcerer (it doesn't work anymore) or become a Wiccan (it's like the Queen of England...Zero watts RMS)
Order ->  | Modern Witch | Faerytale Sorcerer | Control Group (the webmaster)|
Ability\|/|   Wiccan(tm) |  Warlock/Mage/Wiz. |  Christian                   |
Worship   | Not Possible | Whenever necessary | Not needed/not a high        |
the devil |              |                    | priority                     |
Hex/Curse | Avoids it    | Hexes till the     | Has no predators/enemies     |
enemies   | 3 fold rule  | cows come home     |                              |
Dance     | Most can't   | Only on days ending| Is asexual/not that bored    |
naked in  |              | in "Y"             |                              |
the forest|              |                    |                              |
Cuts      | Below        | Not needed but some| Are you serious??            |
themselves| measurable   | bald ones do       |                              |
          | limit        |                    |                              |
Turns the | Hasn't worked| Enjoys it          | What good will that do me?   |
user into | in 250+ years|                    |                              |
(insert   |              |                    |                              |
item here)|              |                    |                              |
Makes the | Do they still| Bald ones get their| Show me a valid princess and |
princess  | even *make*  | jollies this way   | I'll sell you a bridge in    |
ugly after| princesses   |                    | Brooklyn                     |
dark      | anymore?     |                    |                              |
Drinks    | Not capable  | At Aztec sacrifices| What a nasty tasting liquid! |
human     |              | At Incan sacrifices|                              |
blood     |              | At Mayan sacrifices|                              |
Worships  | Always       | Most do, though    | Not On My Watch!             |
Multiple  |              | templar wizards    |                              |
gods      |              | don't.             |                              |
Listens to| Sometimes    | Grabs it from the  | Likes the medieval-ness of   |
New Age/  |              | future by way of   | natureish music              |
Celtic    |              | Divination         |                              |
music     |              |                    |                              |
Wears a   | Sometimes    | All the time when  | For entertainment purposes   |
pointy hat|              | in public          | only                         |
Rides a   | Not possible | Rides even half a  | Mabye when I was 7           |
broomstick|              | block              |                              |
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