<BGSOUND SRC="badspell.wav">
When you hear someone casting an electrical spell followed by the sound of 60 cycle hum and then the sound of rubbing voice coils, that means it's already too late!
That means a spell has gone bad, which happens as often as you find a monophonic microcassette recorder. Bad spells (like there are any good spells, which is unlikely) tend to cause nearby sorcery-powered loudspeakers to self destruct, as they are a type of acoustic amulet.
This page's background sound is the sound of what happens when you rely entirely on Witchcraft to get things done! That must have been several mana going into that speaker over the course of a few seconds when you forgot that it was only intended to hold a whopping 60 watts. Friends don't let friends do rituals (or even do good Old Ways, like sacrificing Elves) while high on the scent of dragon blood! If you use too much Witchcraft, it puts wear on the soul and it takes you longer to get to Life II.
Limitations of the modern witchcraft compared to the Good Old Days of Sorcery compared to what I do.
Any medieval fantasy has some sorcery in it, but I try to keep out the particularly nasty stuff that obviously doesn't work in real life. It is fun to joke about the witchy wattage. Pointy hats and the consumption of Elf blood should never go out of style. Delibrate misuse of Witchcraft by concentrating and inhaling the dragon blood incense has been determined to cause spells that don't even succeed in xx80's Fantasy Land.
How about some nice MECHANICAL systems in the Faerytale Era.