Frames of reference in the Universe Container
OR: Did Viking Helmets really have horns?
Living in a box, living in a cardboard Bochs:Many people will tell you that there are no fairies or winged native american butterfly dancers. Upon never seeing a live dragon in their life, they lose faith in a dragon ever existing, same for elves, hobbits*, unicorns, kings/queens, armored knights...etc.One must look at the world of computer systems emulation to see what's going on.
The real reason we have fairytales:Put your preconcieved notions aside think forward to the year 2106: The Commodore 64 computer system is less than a footnote in history, no fully working systems survive, but the files copied through the generations do. And let's say I'm going to program an emulator that runs Commodore 64 software. Legends have been passed down about an amazing (for the time) sound chip in it known as the MOS SID 6581. No one knows how it works and they don't have the masks needed to make more of this chip. Many people say that the Commodore 64 NEVER EVEN HAD A SID CHIP! It's just the stuff of legends. But the files say otherwise. Stereotypes exist on how a SID chip sound sound (bleep-blop music, chippy..etc).  But since the facts are gone forever....what should it sound like? People started using current 2106 AD technology to simulate what they thought it sounded like, but others said it didn't ever sound like that.
The fact is that no one knew: Now lets say you are going to emulate the Earth as a system as it was in 1685, but the current year is 2006. Many people say Viking helmets didn't have horns, and the logic of war probably says that had no horns (nothing like a handle to stabilize your work while you're slitting someone's throat), but the horned helmet is what survived and what people remember of The Good Old Days. Here's another thing, there are probably still living people blood related to the original Vikings. These things (back to the emulator analogy) are just a simulation. If I take a 286 CPU and snap it in half and preserve only one half, later on you will only emulate half of the system. Take the monarchy of Great Britian for example. Back in the Fairytale Era, the king and queen had absolute power, and knights wore extremely shiny suits of armor. BUT....Do you have any PHOTOGRAPHS(!) of knights in shiny armor on their horses being beheaded by absolute monarchs? Absolutely not. But no photographs exist/have survived from before 1755 A.D.. There are only drawings/paintings that are visible today. If someone clicked the shutter of a camera in front of a real live true viking from back in the day with a horned helmet on, the photo doesn't survive. Paul McCartney is a knight, but he doesn't ride a horse wearing a shiny suit of armor carrying a sword. Does that mean there was no such thing as the knight of legends? We can't prove it one way or the other. Here's a real zinger, just because there are Wiccans doing magic, does that mean they do naked rituals in the forest around a bubbling cauldron? It is just a simulation...almost surely no one casts a spell that works better than chance. But that doesn't mean that back in The Day magic never worked. A system that is only half emulated is only half a system. There is probably a whole lost world that once was. If your SNES emulator doesn't emulate Mode 7, then it's like Mario Kart never existed (which we know to be false).
Frodo Baggins probably never destroyed a one ring but that doesn't discount the possibility of something similar happening, and the story you hear today being artistic license. As I said, it's extrapolation. 252+ years ago is a LOOOOONG time, perhaps the laws of physics were different  Mages might of been able to blast other people to smithereens by waving a staff, Native American Women had Butterfly Wings and were beautiful no matter what....A line has to be drawn on reality, the further you go back in time the more wriggle room there is for something really strange/supernatural to happen. Moses really DID part the Red Sea and his staff turned into snakes that ate other snakes. When you put yourself in a box, it's really hard to get out of it. Or, from a Christian standpoint, mabye God knew people would lose faith in odd events and forbade it later on. It is no more friendly to say "pagan myth" than it is to say "Christian myth" or "scientific myth". Just because you didn't hear the tree fall in the forest, doesn't stop it from falling. Somehow all of this fits together and no one wants to know how. That's why it appears that religion has started many wars. People forget about Frames Of Reference. When you throw a baseball it seems to you that the ball moved away from you. The ball, on the other hand, thinks that you moved away from it and it itself has stayed still. Beards might grow thicker after someone shaves (I have 0% faith in that statement.)
So, therefore, the short answer is, Viking Helmets had horns if you wanted them to have horns. Now if people learned to hug one another and be nice and not go on killing sprees on people who see the universe differently, there would be a lot less wars. The simulated Native Americans today probably had no butterfly dancers. Let them be. They can enjoy their world devoid of beautiful flying women and I'll enjoy mine with the crafty girls.
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