A List of the Technology in the Faerytale Era
This page describes what's available and what's different in the time when
dragons and elves ruled the earth.
I'm going to do this table in a smaller size and waste some of the screen, so it's visible on the Links2 Web Browser for the Sony PSP. So, yes, books are printed on receipt paper! Switched to proportional font, still doesn't look right on PSP, but is a bearable compromise.
| Technology |            Does it exist?                         |
|Telephones  | Phones are sorcery powered. You can  |
|                  | get burned at the stake for using it.       |
|Automobiles | Horse and Buggies/wagons/chariots are|
|                  | used instead. Witches use brooms        |
|Electric       | Every once in a while, you'll find a        |
|lights          | neon sign used as a light source by a     |
|                  | sorcerer or witch.                               |
|Jukeboxes   | Wind-up acoustic jukeboxes that use 78|
|                  | RPM shellac/Mithril records are used.   |
|Robots       | Do not exist.                                       |
|Medicine    | People virtually never get sick in the       |
|                 | faerytale era, not often used.                 |
|Airships     | Do not exist.                                        |
|Airplanes    | Use dragons instead. No airplanes.         |
|Trains        | Do not exist.                                       |
|Lasers        | A laser candle with no electricity.          |
|                 | Not used as weapons.                          |
|Cassettes    | Only sorcerers and mages use them.     |
|Television   | A spherical mechanical palantir.            |
|Radio         | Sorcerous divination from the future.     |
|Camera/     | Uses film, all mechanical, fire based       |
|Photo         | flash.                                                  |
|Barcodes    | Bumpy, read by touch.                         |
|Computers  | Only all-mechanical calculators exist.     |
|Engines      | Only all-mechanical. Not used often.      |
|Air Con.     | Uses propane (ice from fire).                |
|Refrigerat'n|                                                           |
|Guns/        | Only all-mechanical blackpowder, and    |
|Cannons    | only after 1678 A.D.                             |
|Plastics      | Used by sorcery-free alchemists. Ok.     |
|Buildings    | Not very tall, obeys old fashions.           |
|Jet Engines | Do not exist.                                       |
|Oscilloscope| All-mechanical using laser candle.         |
|Smoke Detect| Okay. It uses very little electricity      .|
|Film Projec.| Uses fire based light source/clockwork  |
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