Did you know that Conan The Barbarian can rip licorice sticks sideways? No one else can.
Dragons are our friends: They provide air transportation and have the ability to cause combustion of useless royal shrubberies that you were going to put into lawn bags on trash collection day and fill up valuable landfill space.
Unicorns are very fast private transportation: With a human and saddle on its back, it can do continuous duty 300 miles per hour with the collision detection enabled.
Death: Any king/knight/warrior who dies will respawn at a latitude and longitude that is determined by the highest number you can count up to slowly until the next Easter occurs on according to Pagan tradition and the number of SI seconds since 12:00:00.00 AM January 1, 0000 A.D. +/- 1 microsecond according to Christian tradition. Camping out at respawn points is a pastime.
Religion:Vikings, Celts, and Turks are free to worship what they want so long as they don't do it in a Crusader's face. He might get loud, but then he walks away.
Medieval Punishment:Only temporary and extremely painful. Drawing and Quartering is to Middle Earth what Baseball is to America.
Electricty:Electrical appliances use magic. Magic can get you burned at the stake, forcing a respawn. And you'd have to buy new clothes if you didn't happen to be doing naked rituals in the forest at the time.
Dancing Naked In The Forest:Can be done by anyone regardless of religious background without fear of spiritual or legal punishment. The idea of the game is to have fun without naughty contact.
Capital Punishment:Executions (for blood sport) occur so fast that if they were a series of one cycle sine waves, it would occur in the audio-frequency range. Ditto for Celtic/Aztec human sacrifices.
Swords:Swords were the only tool designed to be dripping with elven blood.
Armor:Shiny plate armor was made to act as a canvas to catch the splashing bright red blood in warfare.
Gambling:Bets are often placed as to who can hit a condemned person's head out of the park (baseball park) with a sword by striking at the throat.
Venomous Snakes:The original Taser/Stun-gun
Barbarians:Barbarians often impaled, amputated, and decapitated elves.
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